Tuesday, June 25, 2013

my life = boredom

so, i'm really bored.
boredom, boredom, boredom.

so i decided to do something with my life-
google Harry Potter memes.
i have a sad, bored life.

so i decided to do something else with my life-
make a memecenter.
again, sad, bored life.

so, i decided to make a meme...

and then i decided to make another meme...

sad, meme-filled bored life.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Meet My Mother... Miss Squibbles ;)

so, i went to see Monsters University...
oooh, man!
you have no idea how weird it was!
so, there is this really weird guy who's a mature college student named don, and he's kind of fat...

yep, the bat beard- thats him! he ends getting engaged to Curler Head, also known as Miss Sherry Squibbles...
my moms name is Sherry.
ooh, my mom is NEVER going to live this down!

i'm thinking... i'm thinking...

has anyone ever seen Night At The Museum 2?

back with a bang

so, i just realized i havent blogged in forever...
must have been high on life or something ;)

i tried to make my first post after a like a month of nothing somewhat interesting by posting something i saw on Harry Potter meme center, but technology felt like being an idiot.

hence, no Harry Potter Forever :'(

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Moods And How Quickly They Change

life is just weird.
why is it weird?
I don't really know.
so, i was in the middle of my evil English teacher's class like a few weeks ago, and i was all moody.
why was i moody?
that day was the day that National Junior Honors Society acceptance letters were being given out in homeroom...
guess who didnt get one?
so, i was all moody. like i said.
and what happens?
some Aide walks in with a letter, during English class.
the Evil One took one look at the letter, and flicked her wrist so it pretty much flew at my face...
no, not my Hogwarts letter.
i wish .-.
but it was my NJHS letter!
close enough ;)
let's just say i had fun in English, for once :}

Monday, April 15, 2013

Life. (not the board game!)

so, life.
it happens.
what has happened since my last post?
i'm 15!
i dont feel older...
should i feel older?
i feel wonderfully fat, if that counts!
one of my friends makes cupcakes form scratch, they are DELICIOUS!
i could get fat on those things any day!
and my sister planned this surprise bowling food-ish party-ish thing, it was fun!
kind of.
because my family teases me about one thing.
just one thing.
and they never let it go!
but my friend Becka was there, that makes eeeeverything bettah :D


some time before that, i went to see Jurassic Park!
dinosaurs just kept popping up, everywhere!
by the end i was freaking out, i thought the one little boy was going to die!
my friend Becka posted a YouTube video about our little movie fun.
want to watch? :)
could you help her YT channel get going, maybe subscribe? :D

i dont really know what to say... so im going to sleep now!
byyyye :D